- Linda Fitch
Myth #2: It Doesn't Matter
Myth #2: It doesn’t matter what I do. It won’t make any difference.
There are nearly 7.6 billion people on the planet right now. Think about that. I mean really think about it…. Each of those 7.6 billion individuals has their own story – and for many that story is one of survival or staying safe.
With fires, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters, horrific acts of violence and looming threats of war, and much of the world’s population living at or below the poverty line without access to food, sanitation or clean drinking water, it can be overwhelming to think about making a real difference in the world.
It’s easy to think “it doesn’t matter what I do.” Underneath all the hidden onion layers of this myth is the overall feeling that somehow, at our very core, we are not enough and thus whatever we do or think doesn’t really matter.
Maybe you think you don't have any special talents or gifts to share. Or that you don’t have the skills, or the money, or the time (remember Myth #1)? Or simply that your effort will not be enough.
Shamans hold themselves and the world differently.
When you walk the path of the shaman there is a knowing that you are here to be of service. The collective field can change when you begin to see it and hold it differently…. the universe will go out of its way to create a magical story when you bring your vision and power into alignment.
Be of service now …at this moment. This can be as simple as being “present” with the grocery store checkout person, or listening to the birds, or seeing the very best in another person.
In my upcoming online Advanced and Introductory courses on Your Extraordinary Story, we will be diving deeper to explore the specific skills of the shaman’s path of power. I invite you to come become that visionary who is here to be of service for yourself, your family and the world.
In service,
PS: Since I announced the Your Extraordinary Story courses, I've been getting a lot questions about the power of shamanic energy medicine to create the life your desire, and people wanting to know more about the classes themselves.
To create a space to answer these questions, and any others you might have, I'll be hosting a free live, interactive Q&A on Thursday, October 19, 2017 at 6:00 pm PT / 9:00 pm ET. No need to register; simply mark your calendar and plan to join me.
Here's all the access info you'll need: To participate online, go to: https://zoom.us/j/592526416 Meeting ID: 592 526 416 To dial in via phone: US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 408 638 0968 or +1 646 876 9923 Webinar ID: 592 526 416
I look forward to connecting with you on Thursday, October 19th at 6:00 pm PT / 7:00 pm MT / 8:00 pm CT / 9:00 pm ET. See you then!