Explore in-person classes, workshops, trainings offered by Linda Fitch
In-Person Class Schedule 2024
The Shaman’s Tools for Death, Dying, and the Afterlife
September 13-15, 2024
Location: Sun Valley, Idaho
Price: $585 (1% donated to Way of the Earthkeepers)
Coordinators: Traci Ireland & Becquel Smith
- | 208-309-3620
- | 208-721-1598
About the Course: Explore shamanic death rites and healing practices for those transitioning, grieving, or interested in the spiritual aspects of death and dying.
Living in Ayni:
Creating and Maintaining Thriving Relationships
Learn to cultivate life-enhancing connections with yourself, others, and the spiritual world. This workshop offers practical skills for those seeking to improve their relational well-being.
two available class dates
November 1-3, 2024
Location: Cape Cod, MA
Price: $620
Schedule: Friday 6 PM - Sunday 4 PM
Coordinator: Wendy Root
November 8-10, 2024
Location: Newtown, Pennsylvania
Price: $485 Early Registration, $620 Full Price
Schedule: Friday 4 PM - Sunday 2 PM
Coordinator: Candace Batterton
Contact: | 215-932-2246
Mastery of Sacred Time
Date: September 19-22, 2024
Location: Mount Shasta, California
Price: $675 (1% donated to Way of the Earthkeepers)
Coordinator: Sandra Winslow
Contact: | 530-261-0717
About the Course: Join Sandra Winslow for a transformative experience in understanding and navigating the streams of time. Learn to live more fully in every moment by breaking free from the archetype of time itself, crafting a future of beauty, joy, and abundance.
Available Dates for Scheduling in 2024:
August 8-11, August 15-18, October 10-13, December 12-15
To inquire about hosting a class in your community, click the button below.
Living in Ayni
Creating and Maintaining Right Relationships
Life is Relationships.
Have you noticed that when you are in right relationship, life flows with ease and grace and that when you are out of sync, out of right relationship, obstructions and failure abound?
When you are out of right relationship, it’s easy to feel stuck, disconnected from your soul's longing, perpetually misunderstood, isolated… Students say this shows up for them in feeling trapped, caught juggling work, family, and self. They often battle fear, scarcity and feelings of not being enough. They feel untethered, doubt about being on their purpose, yet have a deep longing for daily connection to something greater.
In Living in Ayni; Creating and Maintaining Right Relationships, you will acquire specific, tangible skills and practices to create a life of connection, belonging and flow. We will begin creating a powerful, authentic and loving relationship with yourself, then explore how to communicate in a way that creates connection and belonging instead of separation and strife, and take a deep dive into connecting with spirit.
We will examine the underlying beliefs in the modern world that keep us trapped in our individual selves. We will work on shedding those traps of the isolated self and open the gates to a world of belonging and mutuality without relinquishing the self.
Come explore, laugh, cry, play, and invite in relationship to self, other and spirit.
Blood and Bones
Healing Grief and Trauma in Your Family Lineage
What is the fear story that lives in your family?
Your old family story may be about fear of abandonment, poverty, being judged or shamed, or even fear of physical abuse. These old fear patterns are coded through our epigenetics, blood, and bones.Unhealed family patterns continue to appear, sometimes as energetic obstacles or a lack of financial abundance.
They are like unconscious loyalties that shamans say will haunt your lineage for up to 7 generations.
These wounding patterns consume tremendous energy and can block the gifts of your lineage, which is your birthright. You need specialized and powerful tools to heal the wounded patterns that extend through family systems. Open a doorway to the right relationship that ripples back through time, and give yourself freedom, guidance, and support for the future.
This is your soul’s invitation to join me in Blood and Bones, Healing Grief and Trauma in Your Family Lineage.
Schedule a Blood and Bones; Healing grief and trauma in your family lineage in your area.
4 day option $675/person
3 day option $585/person
You will need to bring 12 friends and then you come as a guest
Shamanic Healing Techniques, Practices & Ceremony for Crossing and Grief
Join us for an immersive learning experience filled with interactive exercises that will delve into the depths of the soul and explore various levels of consciousness.
In this workshop, we will guide you on transformative journeys designed to help you release the burdens that may be holding you back. Whether you are on a personal quest to understand the soul's journey beyond the physical body or are involved in supporting individuals through the stages of dying, death, and grief, this workshop is tailored for you. It's not just for those directly working with end-of-life care; it also serves as a comprehensive introduction to shamanic tools and practices.
Holding sacred space for someone crossing
Go beyond your death, a journey to map the afterlife
Leaving the Body- an out-of-body experience (OBE)
Grief and the gift of ceremony
Learning the journey of separation from the Ego
Healing techniques to assist in letting go of the old story: soul retrieval, extraction, assignment, old patterns, clearing chakras, clearing the physical energy field
Journeying across with someone as the take their last breath
Protections in working with those that are dying
Assisting another to journey out on their healing journey
Experiencing your final life review- clearing any regrets, saying the goodbyes, and saying the I Love You’s
Walking across to the light
Ceremony and Ritual for crossing
How to hold sacred space
History of the psychopomp work
Develop your power animal guide to assist in the realms of death
Death as your ally- conscious living
Connect with your voice of intuition and learn skills and techniques to become a master of your own life.
This class has powerful skills that strengthen your vision and intuition. You will learn how to create and use your divination power objects, receive guidance from the natural world, and much more.
Explore the power of these traditional forms of visioning that are more important than ever and uncover your unique medicine.
How can you harness your intuitive wisdom to live a more empowered life?
Shamanic practices offer simple step-by-step processes to access and trust your wisdom in a repeatable way that integrates seamlessly into your daily life.
It is the practice of divination, or the shaman's act of sacred seeing, where you participate with the divine in creation to be one with Spirit. These sacred site tools are critical to seeing the unseen world right now.
Whether you’re entirely new to intuitive development or an experienced practitioner, you will discover and experience simple, advanced, practical tools and practices to connect directly to your intuition (or help others tap into their innate wisdom).
Get ready to learn:
To connect and receive guidance from power animals and guides
To confidently source from your sacred intuition
To live a life connected to the divine, feeling empowered.
Simple tools and practices you can use – over and over again – to reconnect to the oneness of divinity through your intuition.
To trust your intuitive knowing
To experience the joy of connection to Source in every moment so that your authenticity and sacred service radiate out in the world
Utilize your intuition and creative centers through body awareness and individualized movement study.
How your intuition can help you transform old patterns, tapping into your knowledge allows the wisdom to come into being and align your life with the divine.
Trust your wisdom regarding relationships, life paths, health, and well-being.
Clear your physical and energetic filters to recode your ability to trust that you are connected to the divine and receive clear wisdom.
Additional exercises using proven techniques from Neuro Linguistic Programming, Silva Mind System, shamanism, and Native American traditions.
Live more fully in every moment
Join Linda Fitch for four days of deep, transformational work to build a new relationship with time and create a powerful new destiny crafted with spirit – a destiny of beauty, joy and abundance for yourself and for the world.
Discover how to navigate the streams of time, moving backward and forward in time and even breaking free from the archetype of time itself. By better understanding and changing our relationship with time – truly learning to step outside of time – this class holds the key to shifting the world.
In this place of sacred time – where shamans have worked for thousands of years and modern science is only now beginning to understand – we can learn to be more fully present in our lives, to live fully in every moment.
This in-depth, experiential in-person workshop includes brand new tools, exercises and practices for both advanced practitioners and those with no previous experience in shamanism.
Choose and Create the Life You Desire
In every moment, we make choices that create our destiny, both consciously and unconsciously.
Come learn the shaman's skills to consciously manifest your highest destiny – the life you were meant to live – for creating and holding a vision of the very best version of what is possible, not just for yourself in your life, but for the earth and all her inhabitants.
In this class you will learn simple yet powerful shamanic tools and practices, including classic shamanic destiny retrieval, for clearing the past-life karma, trauma, genetics and family-of-origin patterns that keep you from fulfilling your true destiny and living to your highest potential.
You'll learn instead how to call in and consciously choose and create one of the highest versions of your becoming – your true destiny – and help others do the same
Heal Yourself – and the World – through Conscious Co-Creation
Come sit in a weekend of ceremony, healing and conscious co-creation.
Step in and dance with the Archetypes - the energies that influence our lives and shape our world views. Together, we'll discover, explore, identify and engage the energetic forces that guide us, influence us and – if we're not in right relationship with them – ensnare us.
Working personally and collectively at the global level, we'll explore and call upon the timeless energy of the archetypes – of the Masculine and the Feminine, of Mother, Death, Justice, the Collective and more – to see how they are holding us and shaping our world view. We'll use tarot cards, astrology, myths and images from popular culture to step inside the living field of the Archetypes, to understand what they need, what they are trying to accomplish in these times and how they – and you – can transform.
Let’s step in together and learn to do this mystical work consciously and with joy – for ourselves and for our planet.
Tools for Releasing the Dark
Much of what we see and experience in our world is created unconsciously in the energetic realm. Having the skills to walk consciously in the light – in balance and right relationship – has never been more important to our world than in today’s turbulent and challenging times.
Come learn to work with wisdom, safety and strength to balance anger, fear, negative thoughts and other forms of misdirected energy from those who may wish harm upon another, both intentionally and unintentionally.
Participants will learn empowering self-protection skills and practices to work with unraveling the sorcery directed toward others, as well as skills to shift our own self-sorcery, and release curses, bindings and other negative thought forms.
The Shaman's Practice of Seeing
Connect with your voice of intuition and learn skills and techniques to become master of your own life.
Learning the skills of what to “see,” (known as tracking or divination by the shaman), is vital to creating the life you desire. This class is packed with powerful skills that allow your vision to be clearer and your intuition stronger. You will learn how to make and use your own divination power objects, how to receive guidance from the natural world and so much more.
Come explore the power of these traditional forms of visioning and uncover your own unique medicine. Whether you’re new to shamanic wisdom or an experienced student, you’ll discover and develop your skills as a shamanic tracker.