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Linda Fitch

Of Eggs, Guinea Pigs and Things That Aren't Mine

I’ve always been fascinated with watching a shaman do their magic, and wanting to learn their skills. But there are a couple of things I’ve never ever wanted to learn to perform myself…. even though they have made such a difference in my personal life.

One of the healers I’ve been working with recently is Donna Julia, the daughter of the famous Peruvian shaman Eduardo Calderon. Don Eduardo worked primarily with the plant medicine San Pedro; this is now Donna Julia’s gift since her father’s passing.

During our trips to Northern Peru, we work with Donna Julia over the course of several days. In addition to working with the plant medicine, she does a small personal clearing/healing with each person in the group each night. After tracking what is going on with the participant, Julie or her daughter Liliana use wooden staffs to pull the toxic energy out of the participant and snort it into their bodies through their nose using strong smelling Florida water.

I’ve watched Julia lean down and suck out cysts or pull intense autoimmune illnesses right into her own body. Then these “excess energies” are washed down the drain when Donna Julia or her daughter shower after the evening ceremony concludes. Donna Julia shrugs her shoulders and says in a rough translation: "Not my stuff and it can be washed away." Wow.

I’ve also watched her use eggs to clear the physical and energetic body of participants, followed by a live guinea pig for clearing. I've been told by shamans that some times things are created using live energy – and it takes live energy to undo what has been done. In other words, the animal will pull out any embedded toxic energy that the egg may not have cleared.

I’m drop-my-socks impressed and deeply grateful for these two processes – among the most profound, authentic and powerful healing techniques shamans offer. But I'm not the least bit interested in learning to do them myself – either the guinea pig or bringing the stuck energy into my body.

But the eggs – now that's something I do, and you can actually do for yourself and loved ones too. And I'll be sharing just how in an upcoming course. So stay tuned.

Are you ready to step in? We're returning to Northern Peru this October to work again with Donna Julia. Spots are still available, and you can learn more here.

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