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Linda L. Fitch

Set your intention for gratitude

When it’s over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms. – Mary Oliver

We were on our last night of setting intention with the ayahuasca. After sharing with the group during our daily meeting about how your internal set points limit how much you will allow yourself to receive and hold…my intention that night was to love my life even more, and more.

The Aya was clear in her response and wisdom through the medicine.

Every time I thought of any aspect of my life, my heart flew open and I was filled with such a deep appreciation …in every cell…without conscious thought.

Thank you, thank you, thank you… gracias, gracias, gracias became my mantra all night long.

Our shaman Don Guido had started the journey by saying that Ayahuasca is all about LOVE, and I was floating in that vibration.

So how do YOU tap right into the state of appreciation frequency…“in love” with your life without coming to the jungle?

How do you make this state of appreciation a way of life?

Over the next few days, beginning with this post, I'll be sharing a few simple tools and practices – that you can do everyday – to create a state of everyday gratitude and create a life you love.

Read on for the first one below.

The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell you Don't go back to sleep! The door is round and open Don't go back to sleep! – Rumi

Stay Awake and Look Around You

Set your intention to notice… to stay awake and notice when you are not.

With all the busyness we experience each day, it is easy to fall asleep… to get caught up in the numerous demands your brain gives you to pay attention to.

It takes courage and commitment to truly notice and stay awake.

So begin by giving your full attention to the person with whom you are communicating.

Notice your feet on the earth… the flower… the rain… the sunset…a voice or laughter.

That's it. It's that simple. That's the first step and I'll share another step (or two) tomorrow. (I'll be sharing more on Facebook too, so make sure to follow me, if you don't already.)

Until then, you can begin to transform your life – and the world – by Saying… Praying... Living… Being… thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU….

In gratitude and appreciation,


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