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Linda L. Fitch

Of transition, change and transformation

As many of you know, I’ve been a practicing shaman for more than 20 years. I've trained thousands of students in shamanic healing techniques, and am passionate about sharing tools and skills that can help us develop and create the next steps in our lives.

I've seen what a difference shamanic tools and practices can make, transforming fear, trauma, scarcity, shame or self-doubt into passion, joy, abundance, love and gratitude.

I’ve seen students and clients change old limiting beliefs, let go of family, cultural and subconscious patterns, and even shift illness into health.

I've witnessed lives absolutely transformed, and deep connections to the sacred. It has become part of my calling to share this powerful shamanic work with as many people as possible.

Right now, we are desperate for practices to help navigate the transitions happening around us, loaded with uncertainty, unknown and fear.

We're in the time of massive transition, yet change is a constant in our lives. From infant to elder, from asleep to awakened… from having breath to no breath.

Change is always with us, nudging us forward.

BUT…. our souls are longing not just for change – but for transformation.

I've been there too, wanting change and asking spirit to help me create a bigger dream. To spread my wings and fly.

But the old story was safe and familiar. I had so many good things. I was busy with kids and life.

And I was afraid of what change might do to my life, and that fear stopped me from even exploring possibilities. I decided to wait it out. I thought I could ignore it and deal with it later.

Spirit heard my soul's longing for transformation and took the matter out of my hands. I was catapulted into transition… as I walked through a dark night of the soul.

I felt hurt, alone, afraid, shamed for saying I had value. And I became deeply committed to let go of the old, to allow it to die…So my soul could not only live but to soar.

Transformation was calling my soul…not just transition.

Committed to the initiation I had asked for from Spirit, I jumped fully into figuring out the process of change, transition, loss, forgiveness, even death…the process of transition that opens the door to transformation….so that I could wake up in love with my life.

I found that the shaman’s skills and practices offer THE format for transformation … from the darkness to the laughter. The shaman’s practices allow you to come back into balance… and more importantly to tap into the amazing vital life force energy offered by change to propel you into the next chapter of a life that you love.

This post is an introduction to "From Transition to Transformation – Accessing the Power of Change," a FREE 3-part online video masterclass to help you discover the secret to gracefully navigating change and create a life you love.

In just three sessions, you’ll come to understand why change is often so uncomfortable (and how you can work with it) and how the global transitions we’re currently experiencing have brought up “dark” or negative stuff for so many.

And, most importantly, I'll share some shamanic tools and practices to help you navigate this with ease and clarity. All for free.

If you're not on my list already, sign up here to receive my brand-new, FREE 3-part video masterclass and start YOUR journey of transformation.

You’ll get a link to the first lesson, "The Passion of Change," in a couple of days. In it, you'll experience the importance of accessing the energy of change for creating what you want. And you’ll look at some early imprints that created the beliefs that keep you stuck or afraid today, even though your soul longs for the transformation.

In subsequent sessions, we'll explore what makes us try to blame our unhappiness on reasons outside of ourselves, and discover the amazing transformations possible when you connect to your inner wisdom.

So, keep your eye on your inbox. I’ll be in touch soon.

With much love in these amazing, fearful, miraculous, crazy, sacred times

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