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Linda L. Fitch

Of cleansing, empowerment and healing . . . the shaman's way

Ever had a long hard day of doing, doing, doing with no time to process emotions… leaving you feeling exhausted, with no energy left for anyone else – let alone yourself?

Or maybe an interaction with someone didn’t go as easily or sweetly as it could have? Maybe it triggered old memories or past traumatic events?

Or, like many of my clients and students, perhaps you're sensing the global anger, pain, division and fear that is so “up” for healing right now, with the immense transformation that is happening on the planet.

It can be hard to feel like you are living a sacred life.

Whatever the reason, there is an amazing Andean practice… an easy way to let go of the HEAVINESS that accumulates around your energy field.

Click here to watch a short video as I guide you through two core Andean practices; a Saminchakuy cleansing (as taught to me by Joan Parisi Wilcox) and a Saiwachakuy empowerment from the earth that you can do for yourself again and again.

Please take a breath and enjoy,


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