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  • Linda L. Fitch

Is it Written in the Stars

I was first introduced to the power of the stars and astrology when I was in my early 20’s. I had a former employee who did astrology as a hobby and offered to do a reading for me.

Sounded cool so I was in.

Oh my gosh! Although I don’t remember much of the specifics of the reading, I do remember I cried… and told him he knew more about me and my longings and my heart’s desires than I’d ever told anyone. And . . . I barely knew him.

I had met the power of the stars.

I had one or two astrology readings after that very first one – all lovely.

It wasn’t until years later, when a good friend introduced me to Brenda, an extraordinary 80-year-old wisdom keeper and astrologer, that the journey of the heavens made sense. A lot of sense…so much sense that I began getting readings yearly, and even had them transcribed so I could refer back to the information throughout the year.

And so, so much sense that I want to share her wisdom with you. I asked Brenda to do a reading for 2020 as part of the upcoming free SheHEALS Global Online Summit, and she generously agreed.

If you register now for the SheHEALS Summit, you’ll get immediate access to a full audio recording of Brenda’s reading for 2020 as a special early registration gift – plus a transcript you can download and print.

Listening to what she had to say about 2020 I was gob struck by the amazing synchronicity of the timing of the SheHEALS Summit dates (March 24-27) – something I didn’t consciously know when we set the schedule months ago.

I hope in hearing it you are as excited as I am… about listening and learning, about setting direction, intention, skills and new wisdom to help you take action and weave that gold of your becoming.

I look forward to sharing SheHEALS with you. You can register here. And remember, it's all free.

Scroll down to read the Cliff Notes version (long but worth the read), or just jump online now and to full access for yourself to the whole thing.

Here’s what the stars say about the timing of the SheHEALS Summit, through the eyes of astrology, and the unique perspective of sage Brenda Brush.

January 12

The background is set. Saturn joined Pluto and said “The whole structure is ripe and ready to be replanted. The old structure is broken, participate in the creation of the new.”

March 9 Mercury went direct (meaning it is moving forward) into Aquarius (the part of the zodiac representing humanity). Mercury is the messenger, and when it goes direct it shares the message for what’s coming … in this case, the message that we, humanity, are all one, and are able to spread this message with our available technology and awareness.

March 21 (three days before SheHEALS)

It is the Vernal Equinox. It is when the sun moves into Aries, the time of year to reinvent yourself. The farmer finds the seeds he wants to plant. This is the time to set your intentions for the year.

March 22 (two days before SheHEALS) Saturn, which is the planet of maturity, growth and timing, moves into Aquarius (remember, Aquarius is about humanity, everyone being equal and recognized for their differences and understanding and accepting each other for who we are) to look around and set things up for the future.

March 23 (the day before SheHEALS) A fire is lit to get things started. Mars, who is associated with the first sign of the zodiac, joins Pluto and says “Hey, let me light a fire under this.” Let me get things started.

March 24 (SheHEALS BEGINS) The new year – and the Summit – begin with the first new moon of the astrological year in Aries. It says “We’re repackaging, restructuring. What do you want? What part do you want to play? How do you stand up for yourself? How do you express yourself? What do you want to plant for the year?"

It is time to step in. Set your intentions…

March 24-29 (the SheHEALS week) This is more than a normal springtime in the heavens, because Mars is sitting with Pluto and saying, “The system is waiting for you to say something…do something.” Mars is giving its fire and we are off and running.

April 4 – (The week following the Summit) Now''s the time to apply the wisdom and knowledge shared – weaving the gold. Jupiter, being Saturn’s partner, is coming along also. Jupiter is the future, it is teachings, it is wisdom… saying “Okay, everything is being reframed in some way or another in our lives… we don’t know exactly what it is yet, but it is happening.” (Wow, right?)

Jupiter, which is about learning how to weave straw into gold, is joining Pluto until November, says “Now it is about taking everything that has been broken, or everything that we’ve gotten done with or over with, and let’s take all the pieces and remnants of that and weave those into gold." (Wow, again, right?)

And also, on April 4 … Venus, the attractor, joins the party. This fast-moving planet moves into Gemini, which is about community and communication. Together, they represent day-to-day communication. Venus says, "If we are setting up a whole new structure, (forevermore), let me help. Let’s gather in community and see what really works in the neighborhood, in communication.”

Yes, gob struck on the synchronicity. On so many levels.

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